re: CVS: commit tomas_f abi/src/af/gr/win gr_Win32Graphics.cpp

From: Dom Lachowicz <>
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 18:58:48 CEST

Hi Tomas,

I was looking at your last commit to
GR_Win32Graphics::glyphBox() and had some questions
about it. If you could please answer them using small
words, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

1) In the Win9x case, why are you "converting" a
"ucs4" value into a glyph index?
1.a) Isn't the input to the method already a glyph
1.a.i) If not, why isn't it?
1.a.ii) If not, why does the method have the word
"glyph" in its name?
1.b) If it's not a glyph index, why don't you have to
perform similar conversion to a glyph index for the
WinNT case?

2) What does your most recent commit solve that didn't
work before?

3) In light of my previous questions, why have two
codepaths (NT/9x) instead of one, assuming that both
work equally well? I don't buy the argument that the
WinNT code is simpler to read, IF we're also going to
keep the 9x code around. All it leads to is less
testing for the 9x codepath and ultimately more code
to sift through (albeit only 3 lines more).


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