RE: commit: Fix rounding errors when printing on gnome.

From: Dom Lachowicz <>
Date: Sun Sep 18 2005 - 15:09:27 CEST

> You could also get PDF import, placement and
> rendering via Poppler -
> which sits on top of Cairo and is the new common
> wrapper for Xpdf being used
> by Kpdf, Evince, etc.

That's not true at all.

We already import the text from PDFs via poppler (ala
what pdf2text does), but just because Cairo's a match
for PDF's drawing model, doesn't mean that it has any
relationship to AbiWord's document model.

That is, if we don't grok (or at least can't
reconstruct) paragraphs, sections, and the like, then
we can't import the document as anything more
semantically interesting than an image.

On a good day, this means that we could import the PDF
as a SVG, if someone were to add a SVG backend to
cairo. It doesn't mean that the PDF document magically
turns into something like RTF.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Received on Sun Sep 18 15:10:27 2005

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