Re: clearing the cache

From: Tomas Frydrych <>
Date: Thu Sep 22 2005 - 08:29:48 CEST

>> I have found another cache inside gtkmathview which is not reset
>> with the tricks we've been trying before. It has to do with glyphs,
>> so I'm pretty sure it is the reason why glyphBox is only called
>> once.

Ah, this could be the cause of 9512 over which I have lost lot of sleep
:). On win32 the printer graphics and the screen graphics have different
resolutions and cannot, therefore, share a common cache.

>> How do we clear that cache? Hmmm, one way would be to re-create the
>> MathGraphicDevice. This is costly though, and since it is shared
>> among several objects, it basically means that the whole embedded
>> object must be re-instantiated. The obvious solution would be to
>> add a method like "reset" or "clearCache". Of course this means
>> that I have to change the exported API (which has happened already
>> for the 0.7.5-pre-1 pre-release).

Such method is much needed; the fp_EmbedRun::updateVerticalMetric() and
::_recalcWidth() (which are currently only called from the win32 build,
but are necessary) at the moment has to delete the embedded object and
recreate it, which as luca notes is costly.


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