First Order Command-Line AbiCollab

From: <>
Date: Sun Apr 30 2006 - 16:25:48 CEST

Hi Folks,
          I just finished implementing a first-order version of a Command
Line version of AbiCollab.

The idea is to start an AbiWord session on a remote servr containing your
documents then to connect to this server and edit the documents via

At this point in the command to start abiword with abicollab on the rmote
server is...

AbiWord-2.6 --plugin AbiCollab myServer myPort myUserName myPassword
remoteUser remoteServer pathToDocument

"myServer" is the jabber server for the "Server" AbiWord (eg.

myPort is the port number for the Server AbiWord
 ( 5222)

myUserName is the username used on for Server Abiword (abi)

myPassword is the password for

remoteUser is the name of the remote user you'll allow to connect to
"Server AbiWord" (abiremote)

remoteServer is the nameof the jabber server of the remote user

pathToDocument is the path to the document on the "Server" Abiword that
needs to be edited.

The idea of remoteUser and remoteserver is to provide some authentician.
we may want to also add a password (which could change from session to

My version for this is to eventually invoke a "Server" Abiword from a
client abiword via a nice little dialog and menu item.

ie we have
start collaboration
stop collaboration
start remote server (?)

(?) We need to think of a better menu name

Anyway "start remote server" fires up a dialog with all the details. It
starts the remote server via open-ssh with the AbiWord invocation as
described above. Then connects to the remte document.

We need to implement lots more code to make all this work, particularly
code to save and close the remote server whenever the users presses save
or quote on the local client.

In addition we need code to transmite the document from the Server abiword
to the local client.

As things stand now though the server starts and accepts edits from the
client. This is a big step to making this all work.


Received on Sun Apr 30 16:24:40 2006

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