Python embedding and UI files

From: Erik Pukinskis <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 22:17:12 CEST

Hey all,

Now that I've got a basic familiarity with OLPC Sugar, I am trying to
dig into the AbiWord codebase, and I'm a bit lost... maybe someone can
help me with a couple of questions:

1) Where is the UI-related code, particularly the toolbars? I poked
around in the directory tree, but I couldn't really find anything.

2) I understand there was code for Python bindings of AbiWidget at
some point[1]... is this code in HEAD? If so, can anyone give me any
guidance on how to find/use it?

Thanks for the help!


Received on Wed Jul 5 22:16:02 2006

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