Re: Python embedding and UI files

From: Robert Staudinger <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 22:35:13 CEST

On 7/5/06, Erik Pukinskis <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Now that I've got a basic familiarity with OLPC Sugar, I am trying to
> dig into the AbiWord codebase, and I'm a bit lost... maybe someone can
> help me with a couple of questions:
> 1) Where is the UI-related code, particularly the toolbars? I poked
> around in the directory tree, but I couldn't really find anything.

The code is in
Often i'm ending up grepping the source tree because it's too big and
nested for my brain. In this case the search token was "GtkToolbar".

As a general approach, maybe it helps looking how the Nokia 770
version implements some classes. They are distinguished by having
'hildon' in their name and can therefore be issuing e.g.
find . -iname '*hildon*'

> 2) I understand there was code for Python bindings of AbiWidget at
> some point[1]... is this code in HEAD? If so, can anyone give me any
> guidance on how to find/use it?

That code is in the LIBABIWORD cvs branch. However, i'm not sure if
it's of any use because that was pretty much a "sledge and glue"
approach to turn abiword into a widget.
You've mentioned that sugar is using GtkPlug/GtkSocket which can embed
widgets from separate processes. I'd suggest trying to go that route
unless i'm mistaken.

Hope that help,
Received on Wed Jul 5 22:34:09 2006

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