While we're at it... Blog-enabled nightly builds!

From: Ryan Pavlik <abiryan_at_ryand.net>
Date: Wed May 10 2006 - 04:36:52 CEST

As long as Marc is on a roll with a test suite, I may as well join in
with my little bit of news: the nightly build setup I have on his VM
that has been uploading to http://www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/ has
now been enhanced with blogging capabilities!

That's right, a little Python script goes off now at the end of every
build, that posts to http://cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/buildblog/ with
either success or failure (judged by a pluggable function that processes
the build log, currently just looking for "ERROR") and the full log
after a break ("read more" link). I hope to explore linking to
sequentially-numbered builds and other little additions (highlighting
build errors, maybe?) soon, as well as add more builders to the list.
If anyone has a build going somewhere that can be scripted, email me for
the python script to run - all it requires is a log passed as the first
parameter, and a little customization (blog username and password, build
category (stable/head), and optionally a better detection for failure or

This blog also, by its nature as a simple wordpress blog, has an RSS
feed, so you can enjoy the thrill that RSS provides in the reader of
your choice.


Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer
"Optimism is the father that leads to achievement." - Helen Keller
Received on Wed May 10 04:36:43 2006

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