Bugzilla News

From: Ryan Pavlik <abiryan_at_ryand.net>
Date: Fri May 26 2006 - 00:02:27 CEST

Hello AbiFolk!

The astute among you may have noticed the recent changes at
http://bugzilla.abisource.com - starting first with two (!) software
upgrades, and most recently with the new, Tango-Abi skin. (Those who
hadn't been there, you can go there now, triage/fix a bug or several,
and I'll forgive you :D )

This is not the full extent of all changes to be hitting our lovable
BlueAnt server, however! In the weeks ahead I will be working on more
major interface changes on Bugzilla, and hope to produce a snazzy
customized Bugzilla for potentially expanded use by the project. (I
didn't say that... :D )

In a stunning display of poor judgement, I may be testing code on the
live server (blame funky template system). I will attempt to restrain
changes to the bottom of the index page, and will not disrupt the
existing interface much (if at all) in the course of this testing. If
for some unlucky reason I manage to break something you need and not
notice it (that is, it doesn't get fixed within about 15 minutes),
please email me, and I'll get you fixed up right quick.

Thanks for putting up with my shenanigans! I hope to make you all proud
with a nice updated system to use for the remainder of the 2.4 cycle,
2.5/6, and beyond!

On another note, I'd like to extend my congratulations to the Summer of
Code participants - I've looked over the list of projects to be funded,
and I'm really excited to see the results! Through your work and the
work of our existing developers, AbiWord 2.6 will truly be the
Next-Generation Word Processor for Everyone!


Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer
"Optimism is the father that leads to achievement." - Helen Keller
Received on Fri May 26 00:01:01 2006

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