Re: OpenDocument annoyance list - reward?

From: Jean-François Fortin <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 03:36:52 CET

Le mercredi 29 novembre 2006 à 01:53 +0000, Alan Horkan a écrit :
> I am seriously considering printing/burning copies of theOpenCD and giving
> them out to various people, it might stop or at least discourage people
> from asking me for pirate software. (Maybe not, didn't realise they
> dropped Abiword, oh well there's always portable Abiword.)

Well, I have been doing that increasingly since I switched to using
fully FOSS... I used to be the "lend me this very expensive office suite
software" guy, now I just refuse and install OpenOffice, Abiword, GIMP,
and so on. It feels all good inside!

> > 10029 automatic column breaks for wrapping
> Not sure how I understand this request, abiword behaves much the same
> as Microsoft Word 2000.

> > 10085 opening multiple documents resets user preferences
> I commented on this earlier, the behaviour you are seeing may well be
> intentional, either that or I'm misunderstanding the description.
I commented back, basically I don't have any problem having abiword
saving preferences according to the last closed document, and that's not
the problem I'm experiencing. What I see here is that if I open multiple
documents at once, they will bork up Abiword's user preferences
(reactivate the splash image, put the units back in inches, etc), and
that should definitely not happen. I did not change any settings myself,
they just reset when I opened more than 1 document at the same time o_o.
Which can be pretty dangerous and might be an iceberg of some kind imho.

Try this:
1- make a blank document, write some words, save it as "1.abw"
2- make another document, write some words, save it as "2.abw"
3- close everything, select the two files
4- press enter to open them at the same time

Actually, while fiddling around, I think I just might have guessed what
the bug is. I right-click-properties'd the abiword.profile file in
~/.AbiSuite/, and since GNOME uses GNOME-VFS, I can see in realtime when
that file changes size. I noticed that *each* time I open a file
starting abiword, this profile is *deleted* and rewritten entirely. WTF?
My guess is that when you open files too quick, the 2nd file will try
reading the profile, but it is actually in a state between "opening +
deleting" and "rewriting". Then it assumes the profile does not exist or
is corrupt and creates a new one. That's my very uneducated guess, could
that be the problem?

> > 9865 add aspect ratio locking when holding the shift key - pre...
> > 9451 Font defaults to "Times New Roman" even when it is not installed
> hysterical raisins! [1]
I'm laughing out loud at that one. Wikipedia saved my life once again.
Now, I understand that the "fonts" issue is for hysterical raisins, but
I don't know why the image "aspect ratio hotkey" would be... In anyway,
it certainly is not very practical resizing without aspect ratio or
using the image properties dialog (which, by the way, uses inches as the
unit, but that's another bug report).

> i dont remember even being able to do nested tables in OpenOffice (maybe
> one nested table, no deeper) but it has been a while and version 2 can do
> nested tables (to more depth than I'll ever need).
I just tried out of curiosity in Writer, you can make unlimited nested
tables levels. I don't usually use tables, but lots of other people do,
and very often when the tables are messed up, pretty much the entire
document falls apart, sadly...

> Depending on what you mean it is already possible, you just need to drage
> those little handles in the rulers to adjust the column width.
Hm, a nice feature I did not know of, but it's not quite what I was
thinking about, those handles and margins apply to all columns, there is
no way to make columns that are not identical to each other. Not as big
an issue as the "automatic break" one.

I also had a weird idea if that could be of interest: I still have the
abiword website facelift files on my computers (yes, after all that
time! I'm really ashamed of not finding courage+time to do something
with them). Since the Christmas holidays' break is coming, maybe I could
offer myself to try making that website real after all.

There was just one major, showstopping issue that blocked me in my
attempt last time (last..year? @_@), and it was the link preservation.
The website had to be redesigned, the contents revised, while preserving
*all* the links (and there is cruft dating back to 6 years+, and there
are duplicates everywhere, 5 image directories for example). Just
thinking about the structure of the website gives me the shivers ;) but
I could try making it work perfect in exchange for bugfixes.

I have absolutely no idea if what I'm proposing here makes sense :|

If you don't remember the website or lost the link, the prototype can be
viewed on
Received on Wed Nov 29 03:38:02 2006

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