"end of GSoC" code

From: Robert Staudinger <robert.staudinger_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon Aug 27 2007 - 09:45:50 CEST


a tag of my GSoC final code is available from [1]. If I'm evaluated
favourably this will be what I'm going to submit to Google, as per
[2]. Admittedly I've underestimated what it takes to pull off a new
build-system, win32 and Cocoa are not fully functional yet (win32
works under a linux/mingw crosscompiling environment). Another issue
is that the libtool-based build is awfully slow (in comparison) and
I'm fearing people's wrath and hindered productivity. I've been
spending lots of time experimenting with precompiled headers, it just
slowed down the build even more. Any advice would be appreciated.


Received on Mon Aug 27 09:50:06 2007

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