Re: Abiword documentation

From: Simson Garfinkel (CIV) <>
Date: Tue Dec 09 2008 - 16:36:28 CET

Greetings. I am writing to you about the wvSummary program.

We have noticed that wvSummary on most .doc files reports the
msole:codepage twice. For example, consider:

$ wvSummary Translation_of_Aweis_Letter_1_.doc
Metadata for Translation_of_Aweis_Letter_1_.doc:
         Editing Duration = 2009-04-22T19:33:48Z
         msole:codepage = 936
         Generator = "Microsoft Office Word"
         Last Modified = 2006-10-03T18:50:00Z
         Creator = "Captain Weli"
         Revision = "2"
         Number of Pages = 1
         Number of Words = 782
         Created = 2006-10-03T18:50:00Z
         Subject = ""
         Template = "Normal"
         Keywords = ""
         Description = ""
         Number of Characters = 4462
         Security Level = 4462
         Last Saved by = "hi"
         msole:codepage = 936
         Number of Lines = 37
         Number of Paragraphs = 10
         Unknown1 = 5234
         Company = "Department of State"
         Scale = FALSE
         Links Dirty = FALSE
         Unknown3 = FALSE
         Unknown6 = FALSE
         Unknown7 = 726502


Do you know why this is happening? Is it a bug in the program? Is it
something that we need to worry about?

Thank you very much.


Simson Garfinkel
Received on Tue Dec 9 16:36:08 2008

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