Enchant and Windows

From: Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger_at_uvena.de>
Date: Fri Jun 13 2008 - 18:26:58 CEST


yet another question about Enchant: Windows support?

I noticed the Enchant's Makefiles contain OS_WIN32 ifs, are these used
for building with cygwin?
And there seems to be a msvc directory with MSVC project files. But I
don't want to use (and depend) on Cygwin nor do I own a MSVC copy.

So, are there any prebuilt Windows DLLs to link against or any approach
to build Enchant with the Mingw tools (which I do for Windows stuff)?


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Received on Fri Jun 13 18:27:31 2008

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