Re: print preview on Windows works

From: Dominic Lachowicz <>
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 19:40:35 CET

Hi Jordi,

> This is really great Dom. This is really useful from a user point of view!


> Please, correct me if I'm wrong. When you print in Windows you paint on
> a Device Context using Windows drawing directives. Many drivers are able
> to convert this to direct printer directives (like happens Postscript
> printers). My perception is that generating a big TIFF we are loosing
> all the capabilities of the printer on terms of rendering and we are
> taking the responsibility of rendering instead of the printer.

That's correct. The code captures each page's drawing commands as an
EMF. I then render this as a page in a multi-page TIFF. I do this
because Windows doesn't have any multi-page vector metafile format and
print preview needs to be able to support multiple pages.

Now, of course we're going to render this instead of a printer. The
point of "print preview" is to see the output on-screen as it would be
printed, so we're necessarily not involving a printer. There's a
legitimate concern that the vector data is lost in the rasterization
process, but that's why I'm running this @ a high DPI. At least the
output will look ok if a user printed the preview. You're correct that
this would send a big RGB blob to the printer instead of vector
drawing commands.

> In Windows Vista the printing subsytem in based now on XPS, that is
> basically a PDF alike system.
> To me looks more correct to convert the page drawing commands into Win32
> Device Context directives.

If there's a way to capture multiple pages of vector drawing commands,
save them to a single file, and then have Windows display the file,
I'm all for it. But neither WMF, EMF, or EMF+ supports this. If we
can't do it, this is a good first approximation of correct behavior.
In an ideal world, GDI+ would come with a PDF backend (like cairo
does), and we could save everything as a PDF, thus preserving most of
the vector drawing commands. But then we have to worry if a PDF viewer
is installed on every Windows machine.

It would be trivial to use my code as a basis for a custom preview
widget if one were so inclined to write one, since 90% of what it
handles is redirecting drawing commands to a hidden EMF graphics
class. We could still redirect the drawing to an EMF, and then save
the EMFs in a vector. The preview widget would "replay" the correct
EMF for whatever page you wanted to see.


Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
Received on Fri Mar 14 19:41:11 2008

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