Re: AbiWidget and libabiword in gnome-2.24?

From: Robert Staudinger <>
Date: Tue Mar 18 2008 - 10:55:59 CET

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 2:01 AM, Martin Sevior <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Since we will soon release 2.6 with libabiword
> and abiwidget I thought we should discuss the merits or otherwise of
> proposing abiwidget and libabiword for gnome-2.24.

I am only watching the gnome module process from the sidelines, but
could imagine a few questions and issues coming up.

We are talking about proposing abiword for inclusion with the Desktop
release, right? There are no highlevel GUI components in the Platform.
Also platform has tough quality requirements and (AFAIK) can only be
written in C.

Libraries can AFAIK not be proposed for Desktop inclusion, so we would
propose abiword. There is already a text editing program (gedit). We'd
need to prepare to answer the question whether to replace it (without
major regressions) or argue for the inclusion of two programs with
partially overlapping feature set.

Finally, abiword is still using deprecated gtk widgets and is
generally not up to the user interface requirements set out by the
HIG. Not all dialogs are based on glade. Also we would probably need
to adopt GtkPrint before the feature freeze. The i18n team might
complain because we are not using gettext.

Frankly, I think it would be very hard to get in, fixing the above
issues within the 3 months (or so) that are left until the module
decision is made would require a lot of work. E.g. there is nobody
working on the GUI as of late.

Provocative question(s): is inclusion really an end to itself? What
would it take to make abiword so enticing that it is shipped by
default by major distributions? Do people nowadays still like to use
Microsoft Word alike programs? Would gnome/desktop users enjoy using
an adapted version of "Write" (abiword for OLPC)?

- Rob
Received on Tue Mar 18 10:56:27 2008

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