about GSoC project: Port AbiWord for Windows to Unicode

From: Eric <cnfnxk_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri Mar 27 2009 - 05:21:14 CET


I am interested in porting AbiWord for windows to unicode. As a
Chinese speaker, I find some problems in the UI when there are Chinese
characters. Here are several examples:

I prefer option 1 of Jordi's preliminary work
There are much benefit. Most of the developer's effort should be spent
on most important functions. Less bugs would appear when support only
the unicode platform rather than two. But I still have some questions:

Is there data about how much users of AbiWord still use the Win9X/Me?
Whether they use the newest version? If we can prove that these users
do not update their applications much, we can briefly port AbiWord to
unicode and maintain a stable ANSI version such 2.6.

Here is my ideas:
1) Use WCHAR to handle unicodes.
2) Use the unicode version Win32 APIs.

Ma Zhiqiang
Received on Fri Mar 27 05:26:31 2009

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