[GSOC PROPOSAL] - A Breakpad based crash reporter

From: sanket agarwal <snktagarwal_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu Mar 26 2009 - 15:15:18 CET

Hi Abi World....

Sanket here... ( how does it even matter :) )


*Breakpad* is used for Multiplatform Crash Reporting on Client Side
and can extract information in a minidump format. The existing
BugBuddy and Apport( really ? ) dont have multiplatform support and
also produce GDB format crashdumps which are more or less dependent on
Hardware etc.

*Socorro*: A WebUI using breakpad which combines these Minidumps
comming from Client applications. The server will have the symbols for
the various builds/platforms. It'll create a backtrace pointing to the
source code.... just like a C++ application build with g++ -g etc.

My Idea -- Refactor Socorro for Abiword.

Innovation -- I would wish to add some external stats to the dump,
minidump is really a small file and knowing "ok this user had this
this prefs...." will add to the utility!

SERVER LOAD: This is what was worry some part to most of them who had
a listen to my idea over IRC. I have some solid solutions to the

1. There are a series of crashes when a new Version is launched,
patches etc are applied. I propose to avoid same submission of crash
reports, it'll be done first phase on the client machine( suggestions
for comparing ? ).
2. If a similar crash is reported multiple times by different users,
just as in above case.... it's processing will be simply ignored,
there is a deferred storage in Socorro made for the same.
3. We really dont need all the reports, just a statistical inference
would do.( Suggestions invited here )
4. Many crashes are produced due to third party plugin crashes, such
crashes will be avoided on client machine.( The information on a
Minidump is enough to analyse which .so etc file crashed w/o knowing
the symbols ).

Why ABIWORD: I didnt have Abiword in mind, rather the Idea. I think
Abi has to gain a lot from this very generic project. I've heard
devels say that they are mostly in the dark regarding the bugs and
exact details. For a product like Abi i think devels shall have a
treat :D

Here's a Working Instance of it all: crash-stats.mozilla.com , so it's
very implementable.

My Expertise: C/C++ Paradigms, Pretty Comfortable with Breakpad. Going
through Socorro rite now... it's overall structure and stuff.

Received on Thu Mar 26 15:21:50 2009

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