Re: urmaslt - r29811 - abiword/trunk/src/wp/impexp/xp

From: Urmas <>
Date: Sat Jun 11 2011 - 21:44:59 CEST

From: "Martin Sevior" <>
Subject: re: urmaslt - r29811 - abiword/trunk/src/wp/impexp/xp

> I'm not saying this is not needed but it is a potentially large change.
> Can you give us an example where this patch fixes an import error?
> Also how extensively have you tested this? There is a whole range of
> RTF out there and one has to be very careful about what is accepted
> and processed.
> In other words I'm worried that the number of docs that this change
> improves maybe outweighed by the number where this makes things worse.
> So to reiterate, I'm not saying this is not needed, but I am asking
> about how many different documents you tested this on.

It should not create more problems than we had till now, as this is untended behavior of these functions, as all other \* handlers properly leave the closing brace out, so that \* group could be properly closed. Previous version would create a nested \* group spreading to the end of document, and mismatched closing braces.

The particular issue in that case was that in \* group mode the numbers in text were considered a keyword parameter even if they were separated by space, causing them to disappear from text, causing dataloss.

I had tested this on number of my documents and found no change.
Received on Sat Jun 11 21:45:15 2011

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