AbiWord L10n

From: Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri Sep 07 2012 - 11:42:14 CEST

Please finish off the abiword.2.9.dev.po in the AbiWord project in
preparation for the upcoming 3.0 release.


Don't forget that AbiWord uses the color picker from goffice, so
working on that upstream would also be helpful if it is not already
complete for your language.


If there are other PO files present in your language's AbiWord
project, they are either for the AbiWord Windows installer dialog or
for the upstream Unicode NSIS installer package that is used for
Windows installs. If your language already has upstream L10n of
those, I have not included them.

Received on Fri Sep 7 11:43:06 2012

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