Invalidate/redraw event generation

From: Daniel Drake <>
Date: Fri May 10 2013 - 23:46:24 CEST


Can anyone help me check on a quick detail?

If I understand it right, abiword offers a custom GTK widget for the
document canvas.

When the user presses a key, a new character gets drawn on the canvas.
As with any change to on-screen content, this should then trigger a
call to gtk_widget_queue_draw() or gdk_window_invalidate_rect() or
similar so that the X server knows that the widget contents have
changed so that the screen can be updated.

After doing some greps I can't see where that happens.

There is XAP_UnixCustomWidget::queueDraw() but I don't see where this
gets called from the "user inputted a new character" codepath.

Background: I'm working on a bug on the OLPC laptop where abiword text
does not appear when the display is rotated with xrandr.

I thought this was a graphics driver bug so I checked all of the EXA
rendering operations in a lot of detail. Nope, the graphics driver is
rendering what it is being told to render.

So now I would like to do a quick sanity check at the abiword layer.

Received on Fri May 10 23:46:38 2013

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