Re: Can't find file... Win32

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 05 Nov 1998 22:51:24 -0800

At 01:35 AM 11/6/98 -0500, James Lefavour wrote:
>New error: doesn't know where js.h is?
>../../wp/ap/xp\ap_App.h(25) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file:
>': No such file or directory
>make[2]: *** [WIN32_4.10_i386_DBG/abi_ver.obj] Error 2

Arrgh! One of two changes made today is probably biting you here.

1. Some Linux-oriented changes got made to config/ today which
relocated the build targets to _i386_ directories instead of the old _i686_
(or whatever) directories. Unfortunately the corresponding change didn't
get applied to, so you'll may need to manually relocate js.h and
libjs*.lib to their appropriate locations.

2. The old diving make system recursed over the tree three times,
extracting headers, building libraries, and then building and installing the
app. Jeff fixed that today to just use the existing headers in-place, and
only dive once, which speeds things up considerably. However, the new
include paths may not be looking in dist/<target>/include for js.h and other
external headers.

The relevant changes shouldn't be that bad, but if you have trouble nailing
them down, I'm sure folks in the home office will be happy to tidy
everything up tomorrow.


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