Re: Small error in ap_EditMethods.cpp

Paul Rohr (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:18:00 -0800

At 10:03 AM 11/11/98 -0800, I wrote:
>If you take a look at your favorite word processor, you'll notice that we
>only want to claim that text is, say, bold, if the entire span is bold. The
>existing code gets pretty close, but there's a nasty off-by-one problem at
>the left edge of the selection.
>For example, if you select an entire bold passage it thinks it's not (left
>edge off by one), but if you select a piece inside that passage, it gets it
>Guess what I'll be working on today? :-)

Fixed off-by-one problems in getCharFormat for selections.

M abi/src/wp/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp

It was so easy, I'm embarrassed that I didn't fix it a week ago when I first
implemented the feature.



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