Re: graphics conversion

Shaw Terwilliger (
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:42:09 -0600

On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 01:57:05AM -0500, James wrote:
> I would like someone to send me a graphic, and to tell me the formats you
> want it converted to (I believe bmp was mentioned, but do you also need
> .ico or .cur?).

You might want to ask Jeff ( about any conversions to
Windows formats. I believe he's implemented a converter so that XPMs are
rendered into bitmaps at run-time on Windows, allowing us to use XPMs for
toolbars for both platforms. Now, for icons and cursors, that's another
set of requirements. :)

If you want a set of the icons, you can use CVS to checkout just the
abi/src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons directory, it's full of X Pixmap files
(basically C headers in ASCII with a color map at the top) you should
be able to convert to whatever format is neccessary. If you'd like
access to an even broader spectrum of icons (the set from which we
chose our own), visit or
some of its parent directories. These icons are part of the GNOME
project, and are probably GPLed.

Shaw Terwilliger

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