Re: Toolbars under win98

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 23:04:41 -0800

At 01:15 AM 11/20/98 -0500, James wrote:
>If you use the arrow key to go to the beginning of a line that is bold,
>italic or whatever, it switches off the bold/italic toggle state of the
>toolbar button and shows as normal. If you use the Home key, this doesn't
>happen. The same result shows on the menu.
>If you type from this position (after using the arrow key, and triggering
>the toggle off) you get normal type.

Note that whenever you're to the immediate left of formatted text, you
*don't* have that formatting. Thus, the arrow behavior is correct, but home

Found and fixed. The home key wasn't updating the toolbar. See the bottom
of FV_View::moveInsPtTo().

>Also, the window isn't refreshing 100% - I am saving a screen shot to show
>what I mean... it shows the bold toggled off at the beginning of row, and
>the refresh artifact... 95k jpg file...

Yeah. We do have a few cases of screen dirt left. It'd also be helpful to
know how to reproduce the case you're seeing.


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