Re: AbiWord 0.1.2

J. Patrick Narkinsky (
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 21:28:11 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Paul Rohr wrote:

> However, I wasn't able to reproduce your exact problem as reported.

It looks like you changed it, but I can still get it to happen:

Select File->New
Type "Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their
Select "country." using <SHIFT>-Left Arrow
Underline using CTRL-U
Select starting at people to the end of line using the mouse.
Push the left arrow key.


DEBUG: BEGIN Formatting block: 0x80f7d80

DEBUG: END Formatting block: 0x80f7d80

DEBUG: invokeKeyboardMethod: warpInsPtLeft repeat 1 length 0 with [ DEBUG:

AbiWord: fv_View.cpp:152: void FV_View::_eraseSelection(): Assertion
`!_isSelectionEmpty()' failed. Aborted (core dumped)


Redhat 5.1 with latest updates
What else is relevant?

Hope this helps!


J. Patrick Narkinsky (

"If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying

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