Re: AbiWord 0.1.2

Paul Rohr (
Mon, 05 Oct 1998 15:31:33 -0700


I just checked in the fix for a problem related to cursor motion (via the
arrow keys) in the opposite direction of an existing selection, which could
have triggered the following debug output:

>DEBUG: invokeKeyboardMethod: warpInsPtLeft repeat 1 length 0 with [ DEBUG:
>AbiWord: fv_View.cpp:152: void FV_View::_eraseSelection(): Assertion
>`!_isSelectionEmpty()' failed.
>Aborted (core dumped)

However, I wasn't able to reproduce your exact problem as reported.

>... If I select and underline a section of text, then
>select a larger section of text enclosing the original, I crash with the

If you're still seeing the problem after rebuilding from tonight's anonymous
CVS update, more info on tracking down your problem would be nice.

For example, are you selecting using the mouse, the keybindings, or both?


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