Re: compiling js

Brian E.W. Wood (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 13:53:14 -0500 (EST)

On 29-Oct-98 Eric W. Sink wrote:
> Weird. This problem might be Alpha-specific, but I'd hate to jump
> to conclusions. Markku, do you have an experience with libjs
> on Linux on Alpha?
> Looks like it's getting time for AbiSource to get an Alpha box.
> I wonder if Compaq would like to continue their tradition of
> donating hardware to open source development efforts? :-)

Maybe, I understand they just gave a machine to Debian.

If they aren't interested I have a Multia (aka UDB) that I would be willing to
donate to the effort. The internal hard drive (2.5") has failed and they are
very hard to find but you could use an external scsi hard drive (or even NFS).
It's a 233Mhz. unit clocked up to 266Mhz but it's still not too fast due to the
limitations of the 21066 memory bandwidth.

If you have no luck with Compaq let me know.

Brian E.W. Wood

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