Re: Design Notes -- Piece Tables

Jeff Hostetler (
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 14:36:03 -0500

dooh!, i forgot to include the URL


At 02:34 PM 8/27/98 -0500, Jeff Hostetler wrote:
>I have posted my design notes for the new
>Piece Table data structures to represent
>AbiWord documents. This was alluded to in
>an earlier message by Eric.
>This data structure is being seriously considered
>as a replacement for the Gap Buffer and
>associated classes.
>I believe that this is a far superior technique
>than the previous. Besides providing efficient
>editing operations, complete undo, and efficent
>autosave, it just *feels* like a better and
>safer choice. (The fact that MS WORD uses it
>too doesn't hurt....)
>'tis time to hack,

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