Re: Design Notes -- Piece Tables

Jeff Hostetler (
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 08:39:21 -0500

At 04:11 PM 8/31/98 -0500, bryan vold wrote:
>I found this on Charles Crowley's References Section. Have you
>already looked at them?
> J. Gutknecht, Concepts of the text editor Lara, Communications of the ACM,
> 28(9):942-960, September 1985.

no, i didn't see that one. i'll have to try to find a copy
at the library.

>On my previous question, I was wondering how you were getting the details to
>implement it. On just casual inspection, these references don't have a
lot of
>detail. The above is said to be based on piece-tables, so I was wondering if
>there was code that could be leveraged there.

yes, they were light on the details, but after a few readings i think
i have the central ideas figured out and can work thru the details.


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