commit -- importer/exporter dialog changes

Shaw Terwilliger (
Mon, 05 Apr 1999 18:34:56 -0500

I've committed work to let Unix users view available filters
for import and export of files, in the form of a drop-down
list in the file open/save dialogs. By default, these lists
are in the "Automatically detect" position, but can be forced
to any type if the user wishes. When saving a file, the
default is to save as native (AbiWord_1) regardless of the
file suffix (override with the list if you want). On open,
the default is Text if the suffix isn't recognized as any
current type.

The Windows operation should be the same as before, where the
list of filters is not used to force any specific file type
for open, but can be used to select the file type for saves.

Another goal of this work was to pull out WP-specific file
types from XAP dialogs (File Open/SaveAs). I think I met
that goal, but I also introduced some typing problems in
pure virtual frame/app functions at the XAP level. This is
really just code that needs cleaning; everything should
compile and function correctly.

Shaw Terwilliger

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