commit -- VI keybindings

Jeff Hostetler (
Mon, 05 Apr 1999 18:43:18 -0500

At 11:49 AM 3/31/99 -0800, Robert G. Werner wrote:
>Here are the files I created and the changed version of the
>Robert G. Werner

i've just fixed-up and checked a set of files from Robert Werner
to give us the beginnings of VI keybindings. it's not a complete
set of vi keys, but it is a very good start.... are there any VI
users who would like to help flesh this out. since i'm not much
of a VI user -- you ***really*** don't want me to do this :-)

most of the basic cursor motion keys (h j k l) are there as is
input (i), but most of the other alternate input (a, o, j ... )
are not. currently the only edit prefix defined is 'd' and
under it only 'w' is defines (and it just asserts).... but the
basics of input vs edit are there and you can use it for editing.
as i said it just needs a little fleshing out.

i have the F12 key bound to cycle between major modes (AbiWord
default, emacs, viEdit), in case you want to play and/or get stuck.

thanks Robert for help getting this started.


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