win98 build success - few suggests

Kervin (
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 00:15:50 -0400

compiled on P150,win98,VC6.0 no service packs.
Thanks for the help.

A few things though.

> The current build instructions for Win95/NT/98 are at the bottom of the
> downloads page:

(1) These instructions do not specify that zlib and libpng are needed
for compilation nor do they state that these libs must be downloaded
from abisource (packages from zlib home page won't work because the
modified makefiles are needed). Also, instructions seem NT specific at
first ( I almost didn't try it because I thought NT was needed).

(2) I noticed that abiword is a single-document app., any plans to make
it multi-doc.?

Thanks again,

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