Re: vi again

Nigel Stepp (
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:16:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Steve Willer wrote:

> The vi extension keys V, control-V and v would be nice. I use vim's
> visible-selection capabilities extensively.

This would require saving some sort of state between keypresses, since it
would be the movement keys which would be extending the selections, not v,
V, or ^V. I certainly don't feel comfortable enough with the source to go
mucking about in the classes, and it would add bloat anyway (key binding
specific stuff probably doesn't belong there).

Maybe someone else can try this.

I think it may be a good idea to restrict the key bindings to vi only
commands for simplicity.

$ fortune -s
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-- attributed to an IBM guy, about why IBM software uses so much memory

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