Couple hours of hacking

Thomas Fletcher (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 02:52:27 -0400

Can't sleep at night ... go work on AbiWord.

If you are doing anything of any significance with the BeOS
port then you will likely need to do a checkout from the
cvs tree and a full rebuild (of the af and wp dirs) to
get everything new.

What has changed?

-Rulers are here! Currently they don't re-draw properly, have
absolutely no events attached to them but they are in the
framework and don't crash it any more. Danger Will Robinson!
These rulers are not asthetically pleasing (yet).

-Toolbar is fully populated! We now get all of the line
adjustment icons.

-Icon support for all! I've finally taken the time to fix
the icon slurper to read the code from the internal arrays
rather than just sucking the icons off of the disk. This
means that not only does AbiWord load faster, you can
put it where you want without loosing your icons.

-Graphics 3D Primitives are stubbed in. The colours that
are currently being used for the basic primitives are not
only ugly, but I think that they are wrong. If some of
you Windows and Unix users wouldn't mind letting me know
what the rgb values are for your default settings I can
fix the defaults to be something a little more pleasing.

-Spelling support -- hah! It is stubbed in so it is ready
for whenever I get around to downloading ispell and
the hash table sets currently it doesn't do anything,
especially since the timers aren't hooked up.

That is it for now.


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