commit -- was Re: translation of abiword to Danish

Jeff Hostetler (
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:21:19 -0500

i just added a new doc to abi/docs about how to create the
translation files. see abi/docs/AbiSource_Localization.abw

give it a try if you'd like and let me know if you have
any problems or questions.


ps. the doc references build 0.5.5 which we haven't done yet
(but will in a few days). you can use today's cvs just the same.
let me know if you want to start from 0.5.4 and i'll explain the

At 08:39 AM 4/27/99 +0200, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:
>Hi Jeff!
>> there are three basic steps to preparing a set of
>> translations for a language. i was hoping to write
>> up a quick tech report describing them and then point
>> you at that, but i'm not going to be able to get to
>> it today. i'll try to get you something in the morning.
>Sounds good!
>Regards Martin Willemoes Hansen

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