Re: Equations

Paul Rohr (
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 17:37:13 -0700

At 10:32 AM 8/4/99 +0100, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
>Have you tried LyX (
>It's not /quite/ a Word processor, and it's Unix-only at the
>moment, but its equation editor and handling is, IMO, second
>to none.

My comments about Amaya as a possible source of equations code for AbiWord
also apply pretty much verbatim to LyX.

Again, IANAL, so I'm not going to try to tell you whether the LyX license
allows extraction of portions of that code for use in a GPL product like

Until someone steps up and expresses serious interest in actually *doing*
this code slam, any license FUD is irrelevant. Plus which, it shouldn't be
hard to get RMS and the LyX team to agree on whether there are any licensing

We'd be more than happy to help get across that bridge when the time comes.


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