BeOS shortcut keys (was Re: AbiWord)

Paul Rohr (
Fri, 06 Aug 1999 09:45:54 -0700

At 10:39 AM 8/5/99 +0200, Carlo van Vliet wrote:
>Downloaded AbiWord 0.7.3 for BeOS and it looks very promising.
>Especially the Word97 import is a very nice feature.


>I only hope that in the final release (1.0) the shortcut keys are
>more to the standard you'd expect (i.e. Ctrl+C for copy etc.).

We've put a lot of effort into our XP (cross-platform) framework so that
shortcut keys can Just Work on all platforms with minimal platform-specific
code. Sounds like a bit more code may need to be added to the Be version.

Candidates include:

1. Are you sure that the shortcut you mentioned doesn't work at all? Have
you tried it? If so, then there's a discrepancy somewhere in the following
three files:


I'm not sitting in front of a BeOS debugger, but a quick look at the source
doesn't suggest any obvious bugs in the ev_BeOSKeyboard::keyPressEvent()

2. If the shortcuts work, but just don't show on the menus, that'd be an
especially easy patch. Compare the implementations of _ev_GetLabelName() in
the following three files:


Hope that helps.


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