Feature Request FAQ

Wayne Schuller (w.schuller@gpph.unimelb.edu.au)
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 10:02:05 +1000


At 12:18 PM 8/13/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>To be usuable for business, abiword needs to have an envelope capability.
>Sincerely yours, Philip Halpenny

Comments like these are so common they are a FAQ (sort of). If you really
want an ABI word feature, these are your options:

a) code them yourself
b) pay a contract programmer some money to code them for you
c) pay ABI word some money that will help them speed up development and get
to your pet feature.
d) convince your Boss/Government/University/Mother to give you some money
for one of the above
e) wait quietly (sssh!)

This is free software. The consumer has to volunteer time or $$$ if they
want to see the product modified for their needs in a hurry. Otherwise you
just have to wait for your pet feature to get done eventually.

Wayne Schuller - BSc. (Computer Science) Network Administrator
Centre for Health Program Evaluation - Austin Repat Hospital - Heidelberg.
Web: http://ariel.unimelb.edu.au/chpe/ My phone: (03) 94964448

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