libpng on YOUR platform

Subject: libpng on YOUR platform
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 13:58:07 CST

Recently Debian's potato distribution (which I use for AbiWord development
on i386, PowerPC, and Alpha (when the machine works) platforms) went
through some libpng upgrades that appeared to break AbiWord.

I seem to remember a message from someone close to this change (Darren?),
but my mind was pre-occupied with the server switchover.

I'm currently using libpng2 and libpng2-dev, both of version 1.0.5-0.1,
and everything works for me again.

Is anyone else having problems with any versions of libpng that either
came (1) directly from or (2) came as part
of a distribution package (Debian, Red Hat, etc.)?

Shaw Terwilliger

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