Re: word importer

Subject: Re: word importer
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 15:34:03 CST

At 03:03 PM 12/6/99 -0600, Justin Bradford wrote:
>Does anybody have a good .doc with an example of orphan/widow stuff?
>I'm looking through the paragraph/section properties stored in Word files,
>and I'm not sure which describes this behavior. I need to experiment.

For someone with a copy of Word in front of them, coming up with an example
should be very easy. Make a new document, paste in a few short paragraphs,
select all, and then change the font size to something *big* (like 48pt or
so). That ought to get you plenty of page breaks. :-)

In both Word and AbiWord, you can toggle the widow/orphan props on
individual paragraphs via the checkboxes on the second page of the paragraph

To test the effect, insert blank lines between paragraphs to control where
the page breaks fall.

>Ok. The importer builds a series of tab descriptions, just like the
>AbiWord format importer does. So, once the actual underlying tab code is
>complete, these should show up.

Actually, if they're importing cleanly, you should be able to see the proper
symbols on the ruler, too.

>Anyone with a .doc with custom tabs which do not show up in AbiWord?


>> >5. columns is just support for multicolumn sections, right? I believe that
>> >works.
>> That's what it should be. Argue with Bob about whether it works or not.
>> haven't seen a test case either way. :-)
>I believe that I have tested this with some of Caolan's example docs.


>> >6. I'm not quite sure what section-space-after is.
>> That property controls how much vertical white space should be put between
>> those two sections on the same page.
>Like the orphan/widow stuff, I'm not sure what describes this property in
>Word, so if someone has an example (ideally, with a very large
>space-after, which you can give me the exact numerical value of, as well),
>then that would be helpful in identifying it.

I'm not sure where this is the current Word UI either. (I thought I
remembered a Format / Section menu in older versions, but that seems to have
gone away.) Does anyone else know?

>> Yep. To do a good job of importing fields, you'll need to add more field
>> types, though. Our current set is quite anemic.
>Yeah. I'll go through what Word supports and post a list here for new
>types/extra features we might want to add.

Great. While you're at it, feel free to come up with some proposed markup
for how to handle those cases in AbiWord. I believe the current syntax will
need some more work, and this ought to give us a very concrete target to
shoot for.


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