commit -- watch out for binary files

Subject: commit -- watch out for binary files
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 18:25:25 CST

You may want to pay more attention than usual to your next CVS checkout.

We've been accumulating a lot of binary files in our CVS archives without
letting CVS *know* they're binary, by making sure the file got added that
way in the first place:

  cvs add -kb foo.png bar.doc other_binary_file

This means that if you're not on the platform where those files were checked
in, it'll go through linefeed conversion, producing gibberish.

Thus, I've just performed the necessary CVS magic incantations to let it
know that all *.doc and *.png files in the following trees are binary:


This seems to be working much better for me, but if you want to be paranoid,
it may be worth archiving a copy of your current view before your next "cvs
update" in these subtrees. It also may take a bit longer than you're used
to. :-)


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