Re: PS/PDF output (was Re: Some advice please..)

Subject: Re: PS/PDF output (was Re: Some advice please..)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 11:54:44 CST


Direct PDF output from AbiWord will be *very* cool. Thanks for mentioning
that you're thinking about implementing it.

At 10:11 AM 12/21/99 -0500, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> Since the end result is really PDF and not PS, I would simply
>add another menu item to the File menu ("Export to PDF"?) and that
>would being up a file dialog for naming/placing the file. I don't
>know that we need to worry about options here as well in the first
>release, but maybe something in the future based on user feedback.

Quick question -- does this need its own menu item in the UI? In trying to
keep down the GUI clutter, it occurs to me that we might just want to make
this "just" another exporter, via the File / Save As dialog (which already
handles the file name/placement issue).

I know that under the hood the process we use might be more like printing
than exporting, but does our target user really care about this distinction?
Has Adobe succeeded in getting everyone to think of PDF as a read-only

The only downside that I can think of is that this might generate an
expectation that we could eventually *import* PDF documents, too. ;-)


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