The best tasting dogfood yet ...

Eric W. Sink (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:54:49 -0600

... but still not *quite* as good as hamburger. :-)

I have become an avid user of AbiWord, and I am pleased to be able
to report that the usability of this app is increasing very quickly.

Last night I spent 5 hours as a *user* of AbiWord, writing a paper.
In general, AbiWord performed well. I was able to focus on the
subject matter of my writing, not on the difficulty of using the

I noted five new bugs, all very minor.

My time was split in two sessions, one of which was over three
hours long. The app never crashed. At the conclusion of each session,
I noted that the app had not leaked any memory at all.

I completed a first draft of my paper (which is, BTW, not related
to my work here). It's seven pages long. This morning, I loaded
my document again and printed it. The printed output looks very

All of the above was done using the latest Windows version of
AbiWord. As a final test, I copied the document to my Linux
system and printed it using the Linux version of AbiWord.
The document loaded and displayed with no problems, and with
one minor exception, the resulting printed copy looks just as
good as the other one.

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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