AbiWord 0.3.3

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:11:30 -0800

... is out.

We're getting pumped about showing off our stuff at LinuxWorld the first
week of March, so we've been pretty busy over the past two weeks.

Highlights since 0.3.2 include:

1. A new mechanism for mapping and handling fonts on Unix. Can you say
WYSIWYG printing? :-) In addition to the latest source, Linux folks will
also have to do a one-time download of the abi-fonts.tar.gz tarball. For
more details on installing these fonts so that everything works properly,


2. Another revamp of the layout engine to allow for various types of inline
content other than regular text -- including tabs, objects (such as images
and computed fields), and forced breaks.

3. Based on all this formatter work, there are new toolbar buttons for:

- interline spacing
- inter-paragraph spacing
- number of columns

4. Other new formatter features which don't have a GUI yet:

- widow/orphan control
- paragraph margins and indents
- left-aligned default and explicit tabs

5. More work on rulers. They're prettier, and do a better job of
reflecting the current formatted state of the document. Once we've got
sprites added to the ruler, you'll be able to *change* the document too.

6. Plus, as always, a whole mess of bug fixes. Check Bugzilla or Bonsai to
see if your favorite bug has been fixed yet.



PS: If you haven't looked at the layout code (src/wp/fmt/xp) recently, it's
really worth another look. Eric's done a great job of simplifying unneeded
complexity out of the code, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a
host of new features.

After months of slogging through all sorts of architectural work, we're
starting to get to the fun part of the project, when lots of features start
flying into the tree simultaneously.

If you've been waiting to start contributing, don't. :-)

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