Re: AbiWord 0.3.4
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:10:08 +1100

On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 12:49:13AM +0000, Aaron Lehmann wrote:

> I hope this is optional, it's one of the features I could never stand in
> MS Word 98. Lets not become another Microsoft Word. My teacher hands out
> papers with incorrect capitalization (e.g. the first word on every line in
> a list of words..), and she says "Blame it on Bill Gates". There are
> plenty of things that AbiWord needs before bloat. Off hand, I can think of
> mail merge, advanced formatting, print previewing, grammer checking,
> stationary, and macros. Those are all more important to me than
> interactive spell checking, which i find annoying and unhelpful.

Start sending in patches, then ;-)

Seriously, there should be an option to turn it off, as there is in Word 97,
but implementing features like this and cloning M$ word, is the only way users
of Word will switch over.

I find it sad, but that's what happens when a monopoly takes over, and makes
people believe that people can't live without their products, and all others
aren't "user friendly". (FUD tactics)

-- Michael Samuel <>

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