abiword 0.3.4 on Solaris

Adrian Miranda (ade@psg.com)
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 13:38:20 -0800 (PST)

A few comments on abiword 0.3.4 on Solaris.

1. In some places you use snprintf, in others you use g_snprintf.
Solaris 2.5.1 doesn't have snprintf, though 2.6 and later does.
Perhaps you should just use snprintf always, and use a define for
systems that don't have it?

2. I can't make it work on an Ultra 5 running Solaris 2.6 with the 24
bit video. This appears to be a sun bug, I just mention it in case
anyone else sees it. It appears the Sun X server doesn't render some
fonts correctly, in particular it doesn't like any of the abisource
fonts. When I switch back to 8 bit video, everything is fine. It
also doesn't happen with Solaris 2.5.1 in 24 bit mode. I'm trying to
get a patch from sun...

Other than that, it seems to work. Keep up the good work!


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