Re: we're goin' to the show...

Drazen Kacar (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 14:10:45 +0100

On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 03:55:26AM +0100, Drazen Kacar wrote:

> But the text doesn't look as good as it should. If you write the classic
> "Lorem ipsum dolor" DPS should do sub-pixel (or however it's called)
> positioning, and the two `o' characters in `dolor' won't look exactly
> the same. DPS uses kerning information and the text should look
> somewhat better.

I made a mistake. There are Adobe's programs which do this, but DPS
(although licenced from Adobe) doesn't do it. I'm sorry if I made
a confusion.

 .-.   .-.    Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
(_  \ /  _)

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