Re: Celebrate the New Year with a New Tarball

Eric W. Sink (
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:30:19 -0600

> What's the general plan for embedding?

Short answer:

For now, we're keeping it very simple. We're not yet planning
any kind of general-purpose embedding model. We'll support
images, but stuff like Java applets or embedded OLE is
currently considered out of scope.

Here's why:

First and foremost, a word processor is all about paper. Current
versions of word processors have been experiencing feature creep
that there is little left to do. So, they've started adding features
which have little to do with the primary mission of word processing.
A word processor is not a web browser. If you can't print it, then
we consider it to be of secondary importance, for the time being.

Communication check:

I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by "embedding". Did I
answer your question?

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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