Re: Survive

Eric W. Sink (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 08:26:54 -0500

The company behind AbiSource has 14 employees, but AbiSource is really
just a small part of our efforts. We do a variety of other things
which actually pay our bills, including consulting work and some niche
proprietary products.

We currently do make a little bit of money from AbiSource-related
efforts, but nothing substantial. There are a variety of ways to
derive indirect revenues from AbiWord, but none of those mechanisms
will work well until AbiWord reaches a critical mass of features and
stability which will enable it to be adopted by a substantial user


> I have one question. You put up a company to provide free software, > I wonder how do you survive ? I'd love to do stuff I like without > worring about money.

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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