Re: VC++

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:26:08 -0700

To be clear -- you can definitely use versions 5 or 6 of the Visual C++
*compiler* to build the Win32 version of AbiWord. (In fact, right now it's
required, since nobody's taken the time to figure out how to make it worth
with other compilers.) You can also use the VC++ editor and debugger to
work on the code. (Not everyone on the team likes the editor, but it's a
really nice debugger.)

However, as Eric points out, there's other work we just haven't done to make
sure we're more tightly integrated into the VC++ IDE.

In short, we're using a cross-platform set of makefiles which are run from a
unix-like command line, rather than a project file which builds directly
from within the IDE. For more details, see:

The main reason for this is that we can use exactly the same makefiles and
source trees on all our platforms, which makes it *much* easier to keep an
XP application up-to-date and building simultaneously on each platform.

Hope that helps.


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