Re: VC++

Eric W. Sink (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 08:41:01 -0500

> Can someone e-mail me back explaining how I can import the source into VC++ 6.0, if it is possible?

The AbiSource project is currently not providing a Visual C++ project
file, which is the missing piece I believe you need. Such a file
would allow you to browse the source tree using the Visual C++ tools
to which you are accustomed.

Historically, we have held a high resistance to the creation of a VC++
project file, since doing so would require us to maintain it in
parallel with our cross-platform build system. However, we've also
historically been scratching our heads, trying to figure out how to
get more developer involvement from the Win32 community. If the
existence of a VC++ project file would draw substantial interest and
participation from Windows programmers on AbiWord, then the
maintenance burden would be worth it. IMHO.

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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